




批判地理学家奥伦耶夫塔克(Orien Yiftachel )在1990年代提出的以单一族群为中心的政权理论,后来被国际学者进一步的完善,强调了主导的族群,如何在以族群划分的社会中,通过扩大国家控制权力来压制少数群体和解决冲突,并使国家种族化。














林德宜《族群主义崛起》原文:Malaysia’s Resurgent or Stalled Ethnocracy  

This last fortnight has provided a string of political developments which have captured the news headlines almost on a daily basis.  They have included the following:

1.Announcement of state election in Johor
2.Entry of Warisan in Peninsula and Penang
3.The Tangkap Azam Baki campaign and demonstration
4.Announcement of a new Royal Commission of Inquiry - this time into Tabung Haji 
5.Court decision on Zahid case 

These developments have generated much discussion and heat with social media comments on them running into at least six digits or more if what I have personally received over my whatsapp is an indicator. 

There is a common thread running through these developments which only a few of the more astute political observers have pinpointed or identified. 

This missing common thread is that the nation appears to be moving deeper into a more ethnocentric phase of political development.     

In the literature on Malaysia, the following terms have generally been used to describe the political condition and culture of the nation

Partly free or hybrid regime
Illiberal democracy
Semi democracy
Authoritarian state
Failing state
Failed state

Ethnocratic State

One term which has not appeared much on the media and public radar because of official disapproval and the pervasive fear syndrome in almost all sectors of society is the concept of the ethnocratic state. This description refers to a type of political (and in the case of Malaysia, socio-economic and cultural as well) structure in which the apparatus and institutions of the state are dominated and controlled by an ethnic group to further its interests, power and resources. 

A theory of ethnocratic regimes by critical geographer Orien Yiftachel during the 1990s and later refined by international scholars highlights how an ethnocratic society facilitates the ethnicization of the state by the dominant group through the expansion of control aimed at domination over or conflict with minorities. 

It has been noted that ethnocratic regimes typically display a 'thin' democratic facade covering a more profound ethnic structure, in which ethnicity – and not citizenship – is the key to securing power and resources. Hence the earlier six descriptions of Malaysia’s political condition and culture only provides a partial picture of the true reality of the governance of the country. 

Malaysia as an Ethnocracy

How relevant is the concept of an ethnocratic state to Malaysia? How has it emerged? Who are the main players and influencers? What is the impact of the ethnocratic state? How does this concept help to explain what is taking place in politics and society?

According to available research ethnocratic regimes are also characterised by the following:

Monopoly of key sectors of the civil service such as the police, armed forces,judiciary, land administration, immigration, economic development, 
Use of powerful government instruments to secure not only racial but also class and personal interests
Use of ‘thin’ or liberal democratic facade to ensure effective control over minorities and conflict and crisis
Alongside these characteristics, the case of Malaysia among ethnocentric states is quite unique in several ways. Besides Malay overwhelming control of the bureaucracy and leading institutions in the public and private sectors and the overlay of democratic processes found in elections, Malay dominance stems from a multitude of sources. They include the unassailable position of the Yang di Pertuan Agong and Sultans; the dominance of Malay parties at federal and state levels of government (the latter in ten states); the monopoly of key positions in the cabinet including the Prime Ministership, deputy Prime Ministership and Ministry of Home Affairs; and dominance of the three branches of government - executive, legislative and judiciary.

Lastly but most importantly, the factor of Islamic religious dominance is fused into the ethnocratic state. Although a secular state according to the constitution,there is continuous pressure for the development of a full Islamic state to strengthen both ethnic and religious supremacy in Malaysia.  

Since 9 May 2018, little or nothing has changed in this configuration and reality of an ethnocracy and all encompassing Malay political and Islamic religious dominance. Though there are more non-Malay elected representatives compared with the previous Parliament and state assemblies, non-Malay political leaders are well aware of the limits to any challenge against Malay political dominance. They are also cognisant of the backlash from resurgent conservative Malay forces determined to protect and enhance the status quo in Malay dominance and continuation and reinforcement of the ethnocratic Islamic state. 

For now the prospect for a decline or reduction in the ethnocratic state appears premature. This is clear not only from the broken and stalled reform promises contained in Pakatan’s election manifesto.  Perhaps most important among the negative developments is the widespread Malay opposition to the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. 

Adopted as a general assembly resolution on 20 November 1963, almost 60 years later, the Malaysian government, despite being helmed by a Pakatan Rakyat government more committed to reform than the Barisan, failed to ratify the convention. 

Clearly the Malay community is not  ready to join the great majority of ethnic groups in the world in ratifying the convention which not only rejects and opposes racial discrimination but also condemns any establishment of an ethnocratic state. 

As to the future, the writing on the wall is that any dismantling of the ethnocratic state must pass through the resistance and opposition from the multiple sources of Malay dominance identified above. Also at work to ensure the preservation of the ethnocratic state is the less discernible but equally powerful Malay deep state.   





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