




根据AUKUS协议,澳洲将获美国提供8艘核动力推进潜艇,这违反了澳洲早年签署具有约束力的1968年《不扩散核武器条约》 (NPT)。

同样,美国和英国也违反了1968年《不扩散核武器条约》的主要条款。 《不扩散核武器条约》第1条款指出:“每个有核武器的缔约国承诺不直接或间接向任何接受国转让核武器或其他核爆炸装置或对这种武器或爆炸装置的控制权”






















林德宜《东盟如何在美中之间立足》原文:ASEAN: Between the US and China

The visit by US State Secretary Anthony Blinken, closely following that of US Vice President Kamala Harris to the region in August, should raise more than red flags in ASEAN countries. The objectives of the trips are very clear. 

Firstly, they are not a “charm offensive” that wants to rebuild relations with a region previously ignored by US preoccupation with Afghanistan and the Middle East. Neither are they primarily concerned with helping secure prosperity, peace, democracy and freedom in the region as propagandized by western media channels such as CNN and BBC. 

The US intention is to bring ASEAN nations into the orbit of the west. Foremost, for President Biden, is the need to bring down China which he sees as the “most serious competitor” of the US and which, to him, is poised “to eat our lunch”.   

To achieve this, the United States has initiated pressure against China on a wide range of fronts - political, socio-economic, technological and military. In the diplomatic and military sphere the US has marshalled a diverse “coalition of the willing”, mainly Anglo Saxon countries, which now comprises NATO, the Quad, the Five Eyes Alliance, and more lately, though not successfully, G7.  

AUKUS: The Anti-China Innovation

The most recent US initiative to encircle and confront China is AUKUS, a trilateral security pact. 

By agreeing to receive eight nuclear-powered propulsion submarines under the AUKUS accord, Australia has breached its obligations under the binding 1968 Treaty of Non-Proliferation (NPT).

The US and UK have also breached the main provision in the 1968 NPT. Article 1 of the NPT reads: “Each nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly”

The much-hyped nuclear-powered propulsion for Australia’s new submarines needs a response from ASEAN. If the US and UK can share nuclear propulsion technology secrets with Australia, what is there to stop China and Russia from sharing nuclear weapons technology with other countries?

How Should ASEAN Respond  

How ASEAN responds to the new geo-politics being played out should be a matter of public concern and discourse.

Key considerations that ASEAN’s policy makers should prioritize for deliberation include   

Can the region afford a return to cold war tensions and the military impacts and outcomes? 

The US Secretary of State, Blinken, in recent statements in Indonesia on the US Indo-Pacific plans, argued:

”Threats are evolving, our security approach has to evolve with them. To do that, we will lean on our greatest strength: our alliances and partnerships,” ministration’s Indo-Pacific plans.

“We’ll adopt a strategy that more closely weaves together all our instruments of national power – diplomacy, military, intelligence – with those of our allies and partners”.

According to him, The US strategy will include linking US and Asian defence industries, integrating supply chains and cooperating on technological innovation. 

This strategy could see not only enhanced military expenditures but also the strengthening of the military industrial complex (MIC) in the ASEAN countries. 

The MIC consists of arms-producing companies, defence contractors, and others buying and selling arms for the armed forces of countries. A vital part of the MIC are the government agencies and lobby groups of politicians and business interests engaged in the procurement of military items. This sector of public expenditure is generally acknowledged to be characterized by rampant corruption.  

ASEAN is already one of the fastest growing military spending regions. Higher levels of military expenditure and participation in any form of the arms race will only adversely impact on the investment needs in education, housing, the environment and other urgent development priorities still lagging. It may also bring the possibility of a nuclear Armageddon right to the region’s doorstep.        

Will it result in taking sides and if so what are the likely implications?

Presently, the Asean countries do not have a coordinated position on the new US anti-China strategy. Generally, they are neutral and non-committal. Some member states have cited, as a rationale for not taking sides, their policies on maintaining the region’s peace, freedom, and neutrality. However all are strongly committed to ensuring that Southeast Asia remains a zone free of nuclear weapons. 

The US strategy in targeting China as the common enemy will not only have foreign policy consequences. China is ASEAN’s largest trading partner and there will be considerable collateral damage to the economic relationship should the Association or any member nation lend support to the US and allied anti-China bandwagon. 

The undermining of ASEAN’s regional security and stability which comes with the latest US and Australian initiative should be opposed. This position should be made clear by the region’s policy makers as the US and its allies turn the screws on China to preempt or disrupt its rise on the world stage   

What are the possible options that are best for ASEAN to pursue

Besides stating plainly and unambiguously the ASEAN position against any strategy that intends to draw the region’s countries into conflict with China,  and reiteration of the ASEAN commitment to keep the Southeast Asian region free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, ASEAN will need to continuously engage with China. 

According to the most recent summit held to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations, President Xi Jinping told the 10 leaders of the Association that Beijing would not "bully" its smaller regional neighbours. He also said that China would never seek hegemony nor take advantage of its size to coerce smaller countries, and would work with ASEAN to eliminate "interference". According to Xi, "China was, is, and will always be a good neighbour, good friend, and good partner of ASEAN". 

These words indicate that China, at least in the ASEAN region, is committed to a non-ideological position of peace and non-interference. If upkept, Xi’s promise should provide the foundation to thwart any efforts by the United States to draw ASEAN into a new era of western inspired ideological war. The last attempt by the US and its allies from the 50s to 70s to fight against the ‘scourge’ of communism in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia resulted in millions of lives lost and set back the region’s development by at least one generation. ASEAN’s member countries cannot afford to become ground zero for any form of contestation between the world’s leading powers.       





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