
有两句英文谚语可以用来形容美国此次利用即将到来的北京冬奥会妖魔化中国的行为。一为much ado about nothing(无事生非),二为empty vessels make most noise(空容器最响,意指爱吹牛说大话)。在美国游说加入其外交抵制未果的国家中,法国总统马克龙在拒绝美国时,正确的形容了美国的举动为“微不足道”的。





















林德宜《北京冬奥:美国抵制将适得其反》原文:Beijing Winter Olympics: US Boycott Has Backfired

Out of the UN’s 193 countries, a total of 4 to date have announced that they will join the US in a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics

There are two English sayings that can be used to describe the US’s latest attempt to demonize China using the coming Beijing winter olympics. The first is that it is “much ado about nothing” and the second is that “empty vessels make most noise”. Among countries that the US has unsuccessfully lobbied to join its diplomatic boycott, French Prime Minister Macron in refusing has rightly described the US move as “insignificant”.

However these descriptions may be too kind. Although the US diplomatic boycott is no surprise,it is clearly contrary to the spirit of the games and the Olympic charter.

It is significant that the US press statement makes no mention of the principle of olympism which all member countries of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) are to abide by; but which the United States had earlier violated with its boycott of the Moscow 1980 summer olympics.   

As stated in the IOC’s web front page:The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

The same IOC front page also notes that:The resolution entitled “Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal” was adopted today by consensus and co-sponsored by 173 Member States at the 76th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly (GA) in New York.

Noteworthy is the fact that the US was not a co-sponsor of this resolution initiated by China although it did not oppose it.

"So proud to introduce the Olympic Truce resolution for Beijing 2022. Thanks all for the consensual adoption by the UNGA, with the overwhelming co-sponsorship of 173 members. China attaches great importance to the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Beijing is ready to welcome all from the world," Chinese Permanent Representative to the UN Zhang Jun twittered.

The IOC’s Position on Politicising Sports

In a speech introducing the resolution and aimed at discouraging the United States or any other country from politicising the games, IOC President.Thomas Bach stressed the importance of peace and solidarity in our divided world:

“We can only accomplish this mission if the Olympic Games stand above and beyond all political, cultural and other differences. This is only possible if the Olympic Games are politically neutral and do not become a tool to achieve political goals,

The IOC President is not the only one who anticipated that the United States would use any excuse or pretext to discredit China in the international arena. .  

The representative of the Russian Federation warned that sport should not become a political tool or an instrument of intrigue, such as blackmail, and it must never be used as an instrument of power involving sanctions.

Similarly the representative of Belarus described some individual politicians’ attempts to “put on a show” and demagogue against the forthcoming Olympic Games as equally unacceptable. He also noted dangerous precedents of how easily sporting events can become an instrument of discord, pressure and political intrigue in the hands of dishonest politicians.

Justifying the Beijing Boycott

When justifying the diplomatic boycott, the Biden administration has revived Trump’s charge of China’s alleged record of ‘genocide’ in Xinjiang. In fact, the western media has conveniently omitted to mention that until 2018 when Trump was looking for issues to win the presidential elections, the then President, the US State Department and the US media generally, were supportive of China’s socio-economic policies aimed at integrating the Uygher Muslim community in a region with a legacy of ethnic conflict and terrorism. This support can be seen in the US favourable views of Chinese efforts aimed at securing Xinjiang’s peaceful development and even approval of the re-education camps currently hyped as the center of human rights abuses.   

Many countries are fully aware of what is happening in Xinjiang. Responding to the recent US and western media orchestrated anti China propaganda, an overwhelming majority of countries, including from the Muslim world, have defended China notably in the United Nations.  

Today Biden, looking to prop up his popularity with the American public which has plummeted to record low levels ahead of the mid-term election season, is resorting to the Trump megaphone tarring China’s internal policies.

Denigrated by his Republican opponents for his domestic and foreign policy failures and his anaemic leadership, “Sleepy Joe” aka “Xiden” - the latter name a derogatory reference to his alleged pro-China stance in his earlier political career - the US President and Democratic Party leaders are desperate for issues to counter the anti Biden and pro Republican party political upsurge.

But in manipulating human rights to win votes, they would do well need to look into the mirror of US and western human rights transgressions before denouncing China and other nations determined to walk a path of development that is independent, free and different from that of the West; and yet conforms to the UN principles of human rights and fundamental freedoms.    

The US and its western allies are pioneers and masters in racist and ideological propaganda and the manufacturing of fabricated enemies such as Saddam Hussein. Biden may win some support from American voters through the weaponizing of the winter olympics against China. But it will be a meaningless victory if the objective is to take down the Chinese government.

The reality is that over 1 billion Chinese stand in the way of the US and western efforts to maintain their dominance and deny China its place in the world. The hypocritical efforts to capitalize on the now largely abandoned Peng Shuai story and Beijing’s Winter Olympics event to further isolate China may make good press in Washington, London, Canberra and Ottawa for a few days.

But in China and among critical audiences around the world, it will further swing the barometer of political legitimacy and trust in support of the CPC’s leadership of the country which is already the highest in the world according to independent surveys. According to the latest Edelman Global Trust Barometer of 2020,  80% of China’s citizens trust their government - the highest level in the world. In contrast, the governments of the US, the UK. Australia and Canada received 42%, 45%, 61% and 59% of public trust respectively.





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