




















林德宜《彭帅事件:西方媒体VS中国》原文:Peng Shuai Story: Western Media Vs China

Anyone following the western media will have noticed how the largest circulation news channels such as CNN, BBC, The Guardian and even the smaller papers have hyped the Peng Shuai story. Since 3 November when the story first broke, readers around the world have been flooded with daily articles focusing on her case. At the same time the articles have attempted to tie it up with associated issues such as the charges of China’s alleged genocide in Xinjiang, use of slave labour, repressive policies in Hongkong and Taiwan, and efforts to dominate the world beginning with the South China Sea. 

Television coverage of the story with pictures of the tennis star and interviews with  commentators including famous tennis players, and ‘in depth’ analysis by armchair critics have kept the story hot and alive to a large audience.   

To be sure, the plight of Peng Shuai is newsworthy for a day or two. But over 3 weeks or more?

The most important and hidden objective is to leverage on it and to manipulate it to deflect public attention towards the real target - China’s government.  And from the number of inches - now reaching feet - of news columns given to it, the objective of this sustained western media anti-China narrative appears to have succeeded.  

Confirmation of ths success can be seen in the way the US, British, Australian and even EU governments have used the Peng Shuai case to further blacken China’s record on human rights and media freedom and the Communist Party leadership. Besides making the Chinese government look bad, the case is being used to justify a diplomatic and larger boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympic games.  

It is clear that this campaign to tarnish China will continue whatever happens. If effective, the boycott of the winter games could serve as a body blow to Beijing’s international image. 

Thus recent publication of photos and videos of Peng Shuai at various public events and the most recent statement by the International Olympic Council president, Thomas Bach, that she had spoken to him for 30 minutes  and assured that she is safe and well and would like her privacy respected, have had no effect in stopping the propaganda onslaught. 

China’s Restrained Response

The Chinese government response has been remarkably restrained on the western media overkill on the Peng Shuai story. Initially noting that it was not a diplomatic matter, the latest Beijing statement called on “some people [to] stop deliberately and maliciously hyping [the issue] up, let alone politicise [it]. 

Notwithstanding Beijing’s calm reaction, Western media will continue to be deeply engaged in damaging China’s image at every possible opportunity.  

This propaganda war is not doing the international community any favour or good by sensationalizing and spinning stories aimed at arousing anti China and anti Chinese sentiments. 

If the justification is the need for news stories to sell, there are many international and domestic concerns that they can cover. In Britain, besides home grown scandals, the Tim Paine story which broke after the Peng Shuai story with its graphic X rated messages and images of parts of the anatomy is guaranteed to titillate and sell well to readers all round the world. 

In Britain, coverage of news relating to the plight of thousands of political migrants refused entry to the UK and Europe; unresolved Brexit issues, the new sleaze exposed in Boris Johnson’s leadership and the British parliament, and most recently the revelations of entrenched racist sentiments and structures in the white dominated sporting organizations of Britain, are incomparably more important and newsworthy.

Perhaps the objective is also to provoke a hostile response from China’s state media which can then enable western media to retaliate with further negative reporting. Such a development, while useful in terms of selling the papers, will not serve the cause of peaceful coexistence or international public interest.

China’s reaction in a tit-for-tat battle has not come about although both sides of the ideological divide can play the same game.  It has been postulated that the relative absence of a  response from Beijing’s state media is due to the weak and poor quality standards of China’s propaganda machinery as compared with the highly creative and experienced one of the West. In fact, the Chinese handling of the story is not only ham-fisted. It has also exposed the limitations of a rigid political system that should not fear opening to the world in its handling of cases such as this. China’s overall achievements on women empowerment in fact is as good if not better than those found in western liberal democracies, despite the different roads taken.     

Whatever the reason, western media should move on from the Peng Shuai story to more urgent and significant developments in their home countries and abroad.

South China Sea: Potential World War III Battle Ground

And if it is a big China story that the BBC and The Guardian editors are intent on reporting, Western news agencies would do well to undertake an investigation and report on what really happened with the alleged ‘collision’ of the USS Connecticut in the South China Sea.

One recent version provides an as yet unconfirmed account that relates the USS Connecticut’s engagement in an encounter with China’s navy near China’s coastline. Such an incident raises not only the possibility of nuclear discharge which will pollute the South China Sea but also runs the risk of precipitating a larger and potential World War beginning in our part of the world. 

Hype and hypocrisy are often two sides of the same western coin. The public should demand that western media prove that they are not just being media and racist dogs of war in their China coverage.      





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