



西方媒体对疫苗的粗暴双重标准导致一位国际专家看不过眼就发言支持中国疫苗。澳州新南威尔士大学的麦克劳斯(Prof. McLaws)教授,在对于澳洲是否会接受接种中国科兴和国药集团疫苗的国人回国的新闻报导中指出,对于许多人质疑中国疫苗缺乏同行评议的数据,这是没有根据的,甚至用她的话说,这是一种“科学种族主义”。



《西方媒体反华推手》(下篇)(Western Media Dogs Of War)原文:

Minimizing or completely ignoring news stories that may lead to more favourable public opinion of China is another common strategy employed by western media editors. Perhaps the most striking recent example is the coverage of China’s covid vaccines. Right from the beginning we have seen the western media cast doubt on the efficacy of the China developed vaccines. At the same time positive responses from the leaders of developing countries provided with the Chinese vaccines or unable to access Western developed vaccines have either been blanked out or presented with analysis aimed at undermining public opinion of the efficacy of the Chinese vaccines. A similar ideologically biased position has also been taken with respect to Russia’s Sputnik vaccine, 

But the main focus of negative reporting is against China.     

Instead of objectively reporting on the importance of assisting poorer countries through affordable vaccines to fight the pandemic, the main thrust of western media coverage has been to offer jingoistic rhetoric and to get their readers to view every action of China and Chinese companies through the lens of suspicion. 

Unsurprisingly the most recent World Health Organization decision to give emergency use approval to one of the Chinese-made Sinopharm’s Covid-19 vaccines has been largely consigned to the back pages of the western newspapers. This decision which sees the Chinese vaccine being included in the Covax programme for the developing world will potentially benefit millions of people worldwide. It is a potential game changer especially for low income countries that cannot afford the investment in the highly expensive refrigerated infrastructure required by western vaccines. 

Western media's crude double standards on vaccines has led one international expert to comment in support of the Chinese vaccines. In a little publicised news report on whether Australia will accept Austrailians to return when they have received the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines, Prof. McLaws from the University of New South Wales noted that much of the skepticism which stems from a lack of peer reviewed data was without basis and even amounted in her words to “scientific racism”. 

Prof. McLaws, it must be emphasised, is not the usual ideologically biased ‘expert’ commonly reported by western media. She is an acknowledged world leading epidemiologist whose COVID-19 related activities include membership of the WHO Health Emergencies Program Experts Advisory Panel for Infection Prevention and Control Preparedness, Readiness and Response to COVID-19. She is also the focal point of WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and plays a prominent role in some of Australia’s public health organizations.   

Whilst some fair minded and non politically partisan scientists and journalists with integrity in the west may attempt to provide more balanced assessments and analysis of the many developments related to China, it is a fact of life for the Chinese government and Chinese public that they will have to live with a hostile, ideologically and racially discriminatory western mass media in the immediate and foreseeable future. 





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