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《巫统创党75周年快乐》(HAPPY 75th ANNIVERSARY UMNO)原文:https://www.facebook.com/182754718432217/posts/5676256435748657/?d=n

Since 75 years of its establishment, UMNO has faced various paths and political strips in line with national travel and development since 1946 until now.

Every time a leadership crisis many expect UMNO to be buried. When UMNO Founder Dato Onn left UMNO year 1951;UMNO religious group established PAS year 1951;Tunku Abdul Rahman leadership crisis post-1969;UMNO ban 1988;Anwar Ibrahim's removal 1998;and Tan Sri's dismissal Muhyiddin 2016;we listen to the reading of political talqin against UMNO.

Yet UMNO is still held by 3.3 million members and its leadership. Until the 14th election, the big event of BN's defeat in the election. This time UMNO is outside the corridor of power.

Suddenly UMNO lost power. Allah sends a message for us to realize that when there is facade and slander, greatness and power collapses in a blink of an eye.

For scholars and political observers, it is considered the phase of“the ends of UMNO”. This time they say UMNO will be buried.

Alternatively, there is also another party that is almost the same as UMNO in everything. The party became part of the PH government and had the PM, thus considering itself as a replacement for UMNO.

But the PH government can only govern for 22 months. And UMNO became part of the now built PN government. Although that's not what was planned after GE14.

What are all these signs? Should UMNO continue to be proud that it will not be swallowed by a more violent political blow?

Confucius once said,“our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall”. 

We've fallen and lost in the GE14, but that great greatness is that every root member of the simple wake up torch holds the fire torch of the struggle and lights it back up in every niche of the region.

When many UMNO leaders and representatives defeated and surrendered through the betrayal of the party jump, grassroots advocates along with resilient leaders continue to move on organizing every step forward.

Thus on the way forward what can we have the ability and courage to wake up in the name of saving the party and putting it back in the national political press?

This is the meaning of sacrifice being a mantra that needs to be penetrated in our ears and consciousness.
From the record and expression of the people still involve hope for us to return to lead. But we need to be honest and sincere to accept the truth of our existence in the midst of a wave of perception.

While the perception will change to the good if we do the empowerment, correct the discussion and weakness and make the noble sacrifice.

I believe in the “UMNO” (UMNO's way) to return to offer something fresh to the people to return to lead the country. UMNO's way is to understand the signals of the people, deliberations in the spirit of union so that the parties do not split, organize the solutions of prudent and civilized, and preserve the dignity of the party and leaders and its members.

Quick political dynamics will surely catch the thought of UMNO and BN leaders to make a difference.
“Indeed, Allah does not change the circumstances of a nation until they change the circumstances of themselves ” (Al-Ra'd: 11)

Grand boxer Muhammad Ali once said: “A Man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life ”.

The change in the age that lies ahead of us requires our courage to refresh UMNO in accordance with the current era.

The voices of the people and their wishes need to be heard throughout the ages. That's the ingredients of making UMNO the people's choice all along.

Now we face the Covid-19. pandemic. The people's sadness and hardships are also our sorrows and struggles. Talking about people's affairs and distributing help and moral support this moment of sadness will surely touch their souls.

Learn from our wake up history. Let's hear the voice of the people together, the voice of wisdom.
Party is the root of the political struggle. Happy party, safe member and goal of the struggle.
Stop the internal and external debates. Come back in the name of one struggle. So the role of leadership in this matter, the late Pak Tenas Effendi once revealed:
Tangled place done
Killer place cleared
The dispute place is eased
Where the law is run
Let's bring back the “UMNO People's Defender, State Developer”.
Happy 75th Anniversary UMNO.





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