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Since the advent of the Internet, a vast array of information has become readily available. Anyone can pick up a mobile phone and type in a keyword to receive thousands of search results for relevant information. In contrast to the pre-internet era, people had to go to the library to get reference materials if they wanted to do research. 

For investors, by inserting the relevant stock symbol or code, they can get the relevant information, such as the current stock prices, financial reports, stock price charts and research reports. However, easily available information can be mixed with fake news. In an age of information explosion, the ability to filter data so that one does not get overwhelmed is an important skill. 

Analytical skills and access to correct information distinguish the intelligent investor from the average investor. The question is which of the following is more important, good analytical skills or access to correct information?

No matter how good an investor's analytical skills are, if they are based on the wrong information, they will make a bad decision. For instance, assuming that there are two investors who want to buy a stock at the same time. One investor is smart but does not possess any information about the stock, so the investor buys on instinct. Another investor was able to analyze the stock's historical price movements and financial statements. The latter may not be as smart as the former, but the one who can make good decisions based on correct data,. 

Therefore, the latter investor has greater advantage than his counterpart. Obviously, in an age of information overload, knowing how to get the right information is extremely vital. In addition to the ability to obtain the right information, the speed with which relevant information is obtained makes the difference between success and failure. 

George Soros, the billionaire who The Economist hailed as "the man who broke the Bank of England", is a good example of one of the most famous financial battles. Admittedly, Soros's speed and ability to get the right information set him apart from the average investor, prompting him to make a $1 billion profit a day in 1992 from betting against the British pound. But the average investor must note that Soros is in fact a speculator. He trusted his instincts so much that, once he knew the information was correct, he would go all-in, even using leverage to multiply his trading returns. Despite the correct information, investors must manage risk well.

How to be an intelligent investor? First of all, investors need to change their reading habits and make adjustments. For instance, they must learn to filter in the materials they choose to read. Investors can reduce patronising news, newspapers and magazines with political stands. In addition, investors must ensure that the information they are reading is of high quality, from reputable international news organizations such as Bloomberg and Reuters, instead of rumours or unauthorized online news outlets. 

Getting information from prominent media can save you the trouble of reading fake news. The metaphor of the blind men and the elephant suggests that when the information is wrong, the good ability to analyse is futile. In other words, when the input is wrong, the output cannot be correct.

In addition, investors can choose to read articles based on data and in-depth analysis. Most of these in-depth analysis articles are more than 10,000 words. Investors must also pay attention to the origin of the article, for instance whether the author's position is independent and without any hidden agenda. 

Basically, most of the in-depth articles are written in English and are translated or reprinted in Chinese. The original meaning of the author might deviate. After all, it is not first-hand information. Investors should avoid judging a book by its cover and becoming "headline junkies" who jump to conclusions based on the headlines. When doing research on stocks, investors can refer to different analysis reports for a particular stock and keep an open attitude to various voices from the market. They must not blindly listen to the analysis they want to hear.

In addition, when reading the announcements issued by listed companies in the stock exchange, investors must take various factors into considerations. In theory, for example, a substantial shareholder's reported sale of shares to the stock exchange means that the shareholder is pessimistic about the company's prospects. 

However, from the investor psychology perspective, the announcement seems like telling all the investors who read and followed the report that the stock would have a bleak outlook and implying them to sell. The announcements of substantial shareholders buying and selling shares can be viewed by all investors. Does that mean the company is really performing badly, or is it just playing around, using official platforms to tell all of the investors to sell their positions, and then buying shares through unofficial channels tactically? The answer is not necessarily straightforward. It needs to be reviewed from various perspectives. Investors can ponder on the following questions, does good performance of a company guarantee that the share price must go up; is the share price down because of poor performance? No definite answer is available  as investors looking forward to the future often look past the current circumstances. 

In short, in this era, access to correct information and the ability to think independently are prerequisites for a profitable investment.








▸Prof Terence Chong Tai Leung/Associate professor of economics 

Prof Terence is an associate professor of economics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and author of a book entitled "Alchemy of Life". He also shares economic analysis on “Prof Terence Chong, The Economist” YouTube channel, covering local economic developments, property and stock markets, economic policy advice, financial management, technology, economics courses and personal growth.

▸Tey Eng Xin/Financial professional

He graduated with an Analytical Economics degree from Multimedia University, and he has co-authored "How Investor Sentiment Affects the Malaysian Stock Market" with his professors  in an international academic journal. He is interested in studying the theory and practice of behavioral economics. He started his financial career at Bursa Malaysia and now he is working in a securities firm.



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