引用恐怖小说大师斯蒂芬‧金(Stephen King)的话:“骗我一次,是你不要脸。骗我两次,是我笨。骗我三次,我们俩都应感到羞耻。”我国的政治发展,自年初以来,一直动荡不安,最后在新冠疫情笼罩下,以组建一个未经民选的政府为终,这情节过程可比拟斯蒂芬‧金那令人不安的小说。



















我们应从“向东学习”政策中学到,并应用收纳女王近藤麻理惠(Marie Kondo)提出的收纳法,感恩过去为我们带来“喜悦”,但如今却要丢弃的东西。她特别建议在收纳法中,最后才整理感性物品,因为它们是最难以丢弃。


《是时候超越马哈迪》(Time to move on beyond Dr M)原文:

TO quote horror novelist Stephen King: ¨Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.〃

The political goings on since the beginning of the year that culminated with the formation of an unelected government in the midst of a killer pandemic, could well be off the pages of one of Kingˇs disturbing novels.
At the center of this horror story is an oracle whom everyone gravitates to, like a killer clown in the sewers who lures children with candy and then devours them.

One is certainly not equating Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to ¨IT〃, but one must marvel that at 95, he is still regarded by many as a King maker (pun and reference unintended although in Dr. Mahathirˇs mind he is the King). A unifier and divider at the same time.

That the likes of DAP and Amanah are still looking at him to form a new coalition to oust the Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin-lead Perikatan Nasional (PN) calls into question the judgment of some of these political leaders.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim however seems to be the wiser one who subscribes to Kingˇs philosophy and seems to distance himself from Dr. Mahathir.

His absence at Dr. Mahathirˇs May 18 press conference with other Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders and staking his claim as the Leader of the Opposition to many is an indication of Anwar finally having learnt his lesson.
Anwar after all was the one who got ¨burnt〃 the most by his former mentor.

If Dr Mahathir had stuck to the leadership handing-over agreement, the Sheraton Move may never had happened and the PH government could have just focused on fulfilling its election pledges, fixing the economy and battling Covid-19 which then Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad had already been putting measures in place.

In any case, with 114 of the 222 MPs in Parliament whose support Dr. Mahathir is now claimed to enjoy, many parties and political leaders are considering allegiance towards him, to make him Prime Minister for the third time!

For the likes of DAP and Amanah they hope third timeˇs a charm. Unfortunately for the DAP, Dr Mahathir has demonstrated that his preference for administering Malaysia is a single race dominated political leadership. Not a leadership that incorporates the best of our diversity even if this route will be more effective in alleviating the lot of poor Malays whom Dr Mahathir has been championing for 70 years.

However, the prospects of new powers and a shift of the political spectrum is too tempting to ignore by those seeking to realign with Dr. Mahathir.

A promise of deputy premiership to Warisan which seems to hold the decisive vote, for instance, could see Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal as Deputy Prime Minister and probably due to Dr Mahathirˇs age and health, becoming the first Prime Minister from East Malaysia in the next few years.

A mouth-watering scenario indeed. But as the saying goes. When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Which is why it is probably best that Dr. Mahathir who has been ousted as chairman of his own party now play the role of elder statesman and look at ways to unite a polarised nation. But this may be too much to ask of a man who was largely responsible for this polarisation to begin with.

So perhaps those who aspire to lead should first exercise sound judgment; or the very least stop using this old man as a crutch to move forward politically.

Dr Mahathir has been the boon and bane of Malaysia throughout his checkered political life. We have benefited from his leadership which made us an economic powerhouse; his return to politics two years ago helped to some measure achieve justice and restitution to the billion-ringgit kleptocracy which was 1MDB.

But economic disparity among the races, poorer Malays, the suppression of basic and democratic rights and freedoms and institutional corruption also mark his legacy. Several of those leaders seeking his return now have been at the wrong end of his leadership in the 80s and 90s and have paid a personal price.

It is time for the nation with a new generation of Malaysians to move beyond Dr Mahathir and for politicians to learn that they cannot take him at his word.

We should take a leaf out of this ¨Look East〃 policy and apply the KonMari method introduced by the Queen of Declutter Marie Kondo. She advises us to ¨thank〃 the items that have served us which we now wish to put away as they do not spark joy anymore.

She specifically advises to tidy up sentimental items last as they will be the most difficult to discard.
With that we thank Dr Mahathir for his services to this nation but tell him he does not spark joy anymore and this country needs to learn to move on without him especially when proof of his mortality is looming.

Terence Fernandez




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